
sportit element strelica bela
Schneider Electric

Signed title sponsorship with Schneider Electric with a goal of giving every employee in Serbia a reason to start moving. Schneider Electric has become a sponsor and an official partner of the Schneider Electric Serbia Business Run.

sportit element strelica bela

Trčanje.rs is the region’s largest website about running, outdoor, and wellness. It was the initial spark around which running communities grew and through partnership with Intersport, the platform gained even more value.

sportit element strelica bela

Belgrade Running Club began a partnership with Adidas and we created the ADIDAS Running School with the potential to expand the program to new cities, primarily Niš and Novi Sad. This idea, that running should be available throughout Serbia, will come to life in 2017 when we organized a running school in 18 cities of Serbia with Trčanje.rs.

sportit element strelica bela

Our goal was to affect and change very gloomy numbers: that only 4% of women remain active weekly. Bioderma recognized and supported our initiative with a partnership, and project ŽelimHoćuMogu achieved exceptional results.

sportit element strelica bela

With the partnership with SBB, we achieved fantastic results at the Serbia Business Run, at every race in all 4 cities in Serbia.

Office: Dunavski Kej 4
Billing: Belgijska 2
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+ 381 63 814 82 28